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Visual Arts

Riverside Junior High Art Department offers students an integrated curriculum focusing on art appreciation, problem-solving, aesthetics and critical thinking skills connecting all disciplines of knowledge.  This interdisciplinary approach to studying the visual arts provides students with the following skills:

  • The development of an appreciation of aesthetics
  • The recognition that works of art reflect and record culture and history
  • The ability to make connections between art and its relationship to society
  • The ability to comprehend, develop, and use concepts and generalizations
  • The ability to distinguish between fact and opinion
  • The development of critical thinking skills by learning to express your ideas in a creative, imaginative manner

The Visual Arts curriculum provides specific aspects of producing, conceptualizing and talking/writing about art.  Appropriate materials and learning experiences which nurture the special talents of all students are provided in the art classes here at Riverside. 

Courses offered

7th Grade Full Year
8th Grade Full Year
8th Grade Semester
7th & 8th Grade 9 Week

Why the Arts?

  • The arts teach children to make good judgments about qualitative relationships
  • The arts teach children that problems can have more than one solution
  • The arts celebrate multiple perspectives
  • The arts teach children to think through and within a material
  • The arts help children say what cannot be said
  • The arts enable us to have an experience we can have from no other source
  • The arts strengthen problem-solving and critical and thinking skills
  • The arts help children learn to collaborate with each other and realize contribution is integral to their success